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Islam is about understanding its values and needs
Join our commitment to enhanced our understanding in knowledge of Islam by focusing on how to enhance your knowledge and manage your life.
Welcome to eMukmin
eMukmin is an Islamic application provider based in Malaysia. Malaysia is a well-known moderate Islamic state/country with strong practices of Islam via sunni approach and tied effectively with al-Quran and as-Sunnah. eMukmin is collectively a group of Islamic application developed to help muslim to have greater impact in thier spiritual life, using the internet.
eMukmin uses text from internet as our references and some text we acquired from old books, megazines, video cuts, and etc with citation to that particular media. As in Dakwah we believe our work will always be rewarded by Allah swt. Please make doa for the creator or inventor for the text so that Allah will reward them entirely.
eMukmin developed by Mohd Amiruddin Hamzah. Graduated in Islamic Studies from Univerity Malaya in 2003, he currently hold a Master in Science (Information Management). He can be reach at tiktok.com/dataislam.
Al-Quran Based Knowledge
Centralized al-Quran Application
eMukmin has a backbone knowledge management system started with al-Quran known as Al-Quran Center. This application consist of nearly 40 translation of al-Quran all over the world. The application has a strong application to search over the text and interactively show the result. We also provide an expandables hadith application known as Hadith Center with the same capabilities.
Interactive & creative in funtionality
Uniquely developed with Muslim needs.
Our remarkable application development as a great contribution to Ummah is absolute search engine of al-Quran and al-Hadith. Our search engine will help you to locate an ayat or hadith instantly. We also focus our development to other iman based application for your ibadah and knowledge.
Strong Hardware Support
We host our application on Cloud
eMukmin hosted on Virtual Private Server provided by DigitalOcean. We dream to upgrade our networking infrustructure support to let this application run smoothly without incidents. Please support us so that we can provide more sophisticated web application with great hardware support.